Many small nonprofits cannot afford trained development staff, or if they can, they have trouble keeping them due to the high demand for qualified talent. Current development training options tend to be expensive, transactional (a single class or course) and focused on a single individual. Should that person leave the organization, they take the knowledge with them and put the nonprofit’s revenue at risk.
But what if we could make fundraising training more accessible to a larger number of people within your organization, thereby integrating it into your operations and culture? What if we could train your high performers and board members so that everyone has a hand in development?

The Chicago Fundraising Accelerator Bootcamp is a highly customized program designed to train novice or non-development professionals in the practice of fundraising and incorporate those learnings throughout the organization. Our rigorous program begins with classroom training and is reinforced through actual scenarios and challenges…using your donors.
Our goal is to build development programs that realistically fit within an organization’s culture and structure, resulting in increased sources of revenue, built-in succession planning and a more financially stable organization in the future.
As a fundraising trainer and coach, with over twenty years of experience in corporate sales, sales management, marketing, and nonprofit leadership, Carolyn Nopar has been responsible for multi-million-dollar budgets and trained fundraising teams. She uses a highly customized approached and program, designed to help small nonprofits develop internal capacity for fundraising, with the goal to build long-term financial sustainability.
What people are saying about the Chicago Fundraising Accelerator
“The content, especially the online forms, were better than any other boot camp or seminar we’ve been to. Also, the individual consultation was incredibly valuable.”
“I wasn’t completely sure what would be covered, but out of the similar programs I’ve attended, I think I’m taking away the most. It wasn’t a lot of new information, but the forms, discussion, and worksheets really got me thinking about new ideas and how to improve our current practices.”
“The presenter is knowledgeable and the entire session was example focused which was very helpful.”
“Great for small organizations looking to maximize potential donors. Good for anyone new to development to come away with an actionable plan.”
“You get a lot of good information and ideas that will be immediately actionable.”
“It really helped us to have an outside opinion to brainstorm new ideas and a new outlook on our data and programs.”
” This program helped me get our Board on the same page with donations.”
“A helpful way to dig deeper into donor data and rethink current methods.”
“It will make your current fundraising plan more data driven.”
“Good program for a new employee, board member or someone interested in a career in development.”
For more information or to register for a Boot Camp, please click here. To view the course syllabus, click here.
To learn more, please visit ChicagoFundraisingAccelerator.com.